Does discarding crew count as my move?
No. Discarding active crew members are equivilant to playing an action and would still allow you to take a move this turn (assuming you...

Does Duds effect both players initial roll?
No. If a player plays Duds on the initial roll they must select which roll they are affecting, and it would only affect that all the dice...

What is the least amount of turns needed to win a game?
Using traditional rules, you could hypothetically win a complete game of PBL ROBOTS in two turns (good rolls would be crucial). However,...

What happens when Malfunction is played when I have Coringus the Synthesizer?
Coringus will always turn the 1's into 3's and Malfunction will stay on the affected armor until otherwise discarded (by upgrading the...

When can I use storage bombs?
Storage Bombs can be used in any attack or defense as long as you have priority (meaning you are currently behind in the total value of...

If I play Curse of Threes will Tarrison's effect still trigger?
If an opponent plays Curse of Threes on you while you have Tarrison as your only active crew member, Tarrison's bonus would still...

Can I use storage bombs on defense and how do I make them?
In the base set of PBL ROBOTS only Laslo Bracer, Mustard Hangar, and Ketchup Hangar produce storage bombs.

What is the keyword DEMOLITION?
Demolition is a keyword that allows for an armor or hangar to be discarded to prevent players from being able to attack their next turn....

What is the keyword DEFENSE BLAST?
The keyword DEFENSE BLAST is an ability that a crew might possess that allows him/her to be discard only if under attack that would give...