Can you use search effects and not select a card?
If a card with a search effect is played, you have the option of: -Searching your deck and taking an eligible card and revealing it, then...

Rulebook: What happens in ties during combat?
Quote: the player who has the lesser value decides if they want to add one or more bombs First, this also obviously means "shields" as...

Can I review my deck during the draft?
While drafting players are welcome to look at the cards they have already drafted. Often times we recommend sorting the cards you draft...

Can I trigger my starter pilot's critical bonus more than once?
Yes. Any active pilot with a critical bonus will activate the moment their robot goes into critical mode (Critical Mode is when a robot...

What constitutes a die roll?
In PBL ROBOTS a die roll is considered any die that is rolled or would be rolled. Many cards in the game refer to rerolling a die,...

How does Yot-Z Bazooka work? (UPDATE)
NOTE: The text of this card has been slightly altered for clarification. Below is the new text, with an explanation below. UNITE: The...

What happens when I run out of cards?
(STANDARD RULES EDIT v1.2- change made May, 2015: The description below will differ from the First Edition v1.0 rulebook) When a player...

Resolving an Action
Most Actions are resolved the moment they are played, and will be discarded shortly after they are announced. Action cards that effect...

What constitutes as an Active Limb?
An active limb is any head, left arm, right arm or legs that have not been blown off. A Malfunctioned limb, Level 0 base armor or a limb...

How can I regenerate limbs?
In the base set of PBL ROBOTS a player can only regenerate a limb by using: Regeneration Pod (ARMOR) Scales of Regeneration (ARMOR)...