Tournament Play: Priority
For tournament players and competitive game formats use priority. Priority: is the chance to act. A player who has priority has the...

Can you use search effects and not select a card?
If a card with a search effect is played, you have the option of: -Searching your deck and taking an eligible card and revealing it, then...

How does Shop is Open work with search effects and draw effects?
If the Shop is Open (due to the action card or if any players deck runs out of cards), all cards face up in the shop are eligible to be...

When can I use the PICK ability?
The PICK ability, allows you to discard a specific crew member from your hand to search your deck for an armor card created by that crew...

How does Curse of Threes work?
The Skill 3 crew card Curse of Threes comes into play in an open hangar space, with an active Skill 2, or 3 crew member in play. Once the...