How does Philip Lipperstern work with Thunder Shield and Refuge Laser?
If you use a bomb/shield and tick down a Refuge Laser or Thunder Shield with Phillip Lipperstern as your active pilot you will be rolling...

How does Curse of Threes work?
The Skill 3 crew card Curse of Threes comes into play in an open hangar space, with an active Skill 2, or 3 crew member in play. Once the...

Can I play an Action in response to an Action card?
No. In PBL ROBOTS Action cards resolve as soon as they are played. If another player plays an Action, they must wait to do so once the...

How to use the FAQs
​ The best way to use the PBL ROBOTS Frequently Asked Questions is to find the card(s) that interact with the rule in question, in the...

How does Alpha Michael Delgado work with limbs that manipulate die rolls?
When Skill 2 Alpha Michael Delgado is an active crew member, the player's attack is (Base Attack + Limb A + Limb B) which together makes...