How does Alpha Michael Delgado work with limbs that manipulate die rolls?
When Skill 2 Alpha Michael Delgado is an active crew member, the player's attack is (Base Attack + Limb A + Limb B) which together makes up the initial attack of that robot. Certain armors that have specific applications for the initial attack (Multi Fire Arm, Swans Beak) need to be rolled independently of the other attacking limb. The base attack dice can be added independently of Limb A or B, or the base attack can be added to either limb roll, decided by the attacking player.
Note: If the defending player playes Diabolical, the entire attack (Base Attack + Limb A + Limb B) would be rerolled.
For instance with Multi Fire Arm: If player Garrett has Alpha Michael Delgado on his crew and is attacking with both Multi Fire Arm, and Tyranium Skull with Redd as his pilot, the initial attack roll would be: Garrett determines that the base attack of Redd +1 will be rolled with the Tyranium Skull head armor +1 (Garrett rolls 2 dice) and the Multi Fire Arm rolls +5 (Garrett rolls 5 dice removing all 5 and 6 values) the value of Limb A + Limb B are added together for the initial attack amount. Note: Garrett could also roll the Base Attack +1 independently of the limb if desired, and/or apply the base attack to either Limb A or Limb B.
For instance with Swans Beak: If player Daniel has Alpha Michael Delgado on her crew and is attacking with both Swans Beak, and Weister Hooves with Unico Hemmingway as her pilot with Luke Epico on the crew, the initial attack roll would be: Daniel determines that the base attack of Unico Hemmingway +1 and Luke Epico +1 will be rolled with the Weister Hooves leg armor +1 (Daniel rolls 3 dice) and the Swans Beak +2* (Daniel rolls the maximum +2 for Swans Beak, rolling an extra 2 dice if double are rolled) and the value of Limb A + Limb B are added together for the initial attack amount. Note: If Daniel would not be allowed to add the base attack to Limb B: Swans Beak because of its restriction, but could roll the base attack indepently if desired. Reminder: If Swans Beak does roll doubles, the second set dice would become the new current roll for that player and actions cards effecting the dice would no longer effect the rest of the initial roll.