Overblown against Alpha Michael Delgado
Crew member Alpha Michael Delgado allows the attacking player to attack with two separate limbs during an attack. The action Overblown...
Optional Dunk Rule
One slight rule modification for events like house tournaments or conventions has been to alter the rules of bombs/shields to allow for a...
Modified Draft Format: Neo Draft
During the 2019-2020 competitive play season in New England, a slightly modified draft format has been used. It was even democratically...
Updated Rule: Ending the Game in a Draw
If a game of PBL ROBOTS requires a player to Open the Shop (due to no cards in their Draw Deck or because of the Action Card 'Shop is...
Updated Rule: Resolving an Action
Anytime an Action is played, the player must reveal it face up on the table, and then resolves the Action. Once the Action is resolved...
Updated Rule: Opening the Shop (reflected Rulebook version 1.4 )
(reflected Rulebook version 1.4 page 4 section "The Shop is Open") The updated area has been highlight in yellow. "At any point in the...
Tournament Play: Priority
For tournament players and competitive game formats use priority. Priority: is the chance to act. A player who has priority has the...
How does Sara "Dippity"s critical work with Commabackk?
When Sara "Dippity" is in critical mode and has additional
What happens if I Virus Flush my own Regeneration Pod?
If a player uses Virus Flush on their own Regeneration Pod or Scales of Regeneration the armor underneath the pod/scales would become the...
Can I Virus Flush an opponent before they attack?
A defending player may respond to the attacking player's declaration of an attack by using Virus Flush on the attack armor. This must...